
There are three key components to the Triangle Tweener Fund's strategy: Building an index, focus on Tweeners, and a geographic focus on the Triangle


Index Strategy

  • This approach builds an 'index' of Triangle Tweeners with the strategy of not missing a huge win vs. the traditional venture approach of trying to pick winners.
  • The concept is derived from power law dyanmics, you can learn more by reading this 2019 paper and the 2020 follow-on.
  • Tweener Fund makes a larger number of smaller investments. 15+ per quarter at a $50k average.


Tweener Focus

Based on data from over 7 years of tracking 'Triangle Tweeners', we believe this group of companies has more great outcomes and less closures than other cohorts of companies.

You can find the latest Tweener List here.


Focus on the Triangle Area

The Triangle is a fantastic place to start a company and our geographic focus is a key part of our strategy.


Duke, NC State and UNC are the three core Universities in the Triangle. When it comes to technology companies, one of the top inputs is smart people and no other region beats the Triangle. We call these our “Smart people factories”.


Diverse set of people, industries, universities creating a robust startup ecosystem.

Rapidly Growing Innovation

Consistently top 10 places to live, or most moved to cities. This brings a fresh group of people looking to plant roots and grow. Many of these transplants are coming from other larger high-tech hubs.

Underserved by Venture

While entrepreneurs have been quick to move to the Triangle, the early-stage dollars have been slow to migrate here. Less venture means less competition (more ‘wins’/’hits’) and lower valuations.

Tweener List Virtuous Cycle

Transparent database of Tweeners focuses energy on ~250 companies in the Triangle that over $1m ARR

Tweener Fund

Rolling Fund focused on accelerating the flywheel of the Triangle Tweener startup ecosystem.

Entrepreneurs and Talent

As entrepreneurs think of starting new companies, the Tweener List generates confidence in the ecosystem. It also creates a 'hunt list' for new talent moving to the area or transitioning out of large companies or other startups making it easier to hire that CFO. CRO, COO, etc.

External Investors

The Tweener List has become the go-to 'target list' of external VCs that come to our region.

Partners and Customers

Many Tweener Co's report an unintended benefit of Tweener List inclusion is inbound sales leads and partnership opportunities.

Support > Scale

Successful founders and operators 'give back' to the ecosystem by investing in the Tweener Fund and also advising, supporting and working with the next generation of Tweeners.

Invest in Tweener Fund today

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